5 years ago, the Indian Space Research Organisation's Mangalyaan entered the Martian orbit, thus making India: the first country to achieve this feat in the first attempt. Mars Orbiter Mission (fondly known as MOM) was India's first interplanetary mission. With government approval in August 2012, launch in November 2013 and Mars Orbiter Insertion (MOI) in September 2014; the mission was completed in record time. To achieve this feat, ISRO overcame a number of challenges. The Launch PSLV C-25 Lift Off: Courtesy ISRO The MOM spacecraft was launched onboard PSLV C-25 on 5th November 2013. PSLV is the workhorse of ISRO hence it was chosen to launch the spacecraft. This meant placing the vehicle in an orbit around Earth and then subsequently increasing the apogee (highest point of the orbit) in various manoeuvres followed by Trans Mars Injection which placed the Mangalyaan on a 300-day journey to Mars. To achieve the required parameters for Trans Mars Injection the...
A long corridor with locked doors all along the way. Doors to the rooms which were once open. Rooms where you could find a game of cards being played. IPL matches or newly discovered board games, these were the things that dominated this wing until a few weeks ago. Today, as I return for yet another year, I brood over all these empty rooms. So, here is an ode to the Gully Gang 76. Gully Gang 76 I spent the second half of the last semester enjoying to the fullest. Whether it be playing 350 or watching the IPL like never before. Playing with Emiway Bantai and his Mom only to get clawed in the end. Discovering the wonders of Catan and Risk (named as it risks Friendships). Spending each night at least half an hour to decide what to order and settling for the Crystal Dhabha along with the Rainbow Juice Center. I'll miss the Swiggy6 code as much I'll miss you guys to share the food. Recreations of the Gang Though I missed a few trips, I did get a ...