Starman in the Orbit They gave us a spaceman riding in the first space car listening to a new space anthem and all this while giving the mankind a taste of the sci-fi in real life. Elon Musk and the team launched the most powerful operational rocket with flying colours. Perfect liftoff, followed by the separation of the boosters which landed simultaneously giving goosebumps to half the world. The main core separated. The second stage burned thrice. Starman is finally on way to the asteroid belt on the glorified 'Billion-year Mars Trajectory'. All was well. No one will say that the hiccup of the landing of the main core made the mission a failure. Boosters Landing Though this may not be the best rocket as compared to the Saturn V. This is "reusable". All the three engines are to be recovered out of which 2 successfully done in the first flight. On top of it, 27 engines burned "together" as a family for more than 150 seconds without a...
Sharing a few moments, feelings and musings of my life.